Bredonborough Into the Cellar for
Into the Cellar for morning reading…
08.28 The distance between the actuality of my daily life, and the metaphysical constructs and concepts of my reading, is immensely wide. What brings the two together? The answer that springs to mind on this grey morning is: how I live my life. Life and our living of it, is what brings together the incompatibilities of, for example, music and the music industry; the professions of a finer life and actual behavior of Persons In The Work.
09.28 To computing and e-flurrying.
11.54 Preparing MinxLunch.
14.20 And off for afternoon adventuring.
20.14 Visiting two garden centres to acquire planters and ideas I…
… a visit to the resting place of Barbara and Beric I…
… or Bibwa and Berwick as WillyFred has them. As a little rabbit, even a Prince of his kind, Wilf finds it difficult to accurately pronounce the names of their Primary Care Provider’s Parents.
Returning to a garden meeting, the High Street (arranging a backgammon evening), home to domestic organizing, e-fury and the non-industry dispute.
A break for supper and returning to the non-industry dispute. Enough dissension for one day.
To gentle.